EPER    *Foreign students and specialists in Russia

Belgorod State National Research University


NRU "BelSU" today is:
more than 23 thousand students from all regions of Russia;
about 3 thousand international students from more than 90 countries of the world;
more than 5 thousand graduates annually;
20 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, Asia-Pacific region;
2 educational programs for training specialists and masters are implemented in English;
More than 100 agreements on interuniversity cooperation;
17 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
more than 1100 doctors and candidates of Sciences,
9 institutes, 2 colleges, Preparatory faculty, Starooskolsky branch;
More than 800 enterprises that are the bases of practices;
106 departments, 28 of which are basic;
Regional Intellectual Property Center;
Regional Microbiological Center of the National Research University "BelSU";
Research Institute of Pharmacology of Living Systems;
Research Institute of Materials Science and Innovative Technologies;
Engineering center;
32 small innovative enterprises;
24 areas of training of highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies);
Union of Students, uniting 24 student associations;
Youth cultural Center, including 17 student groups of amateur performances;
Corporate library system of the National Research University "BelSU":
10 reading rooms, 8 subscriptions, 1.324 million copies in the fund;
more than 4000 computers, 72 computer classes (BelSU with a branch and a medical college);
22 academic buildings with a total area of 242,601 sq. m. including the branch;
7 student dormitories;
University Church of the Archangel Gabriel;
Polyclinic of the National Research University "BelSU";
Pharmacy with production;
Belgorod Publishing House;
Health complex "Nezhegol";
4 museums (University History Museum, zoological Museum, geological and mineralogical Museum, N. N. Strakhov Library-museum);
Equestrian school;
Educational and sports complex of Svetlana Khorkina.


Belgorod State National Research University has been recognized as the best university in terms of the dynamics of promotion in the RAEX rating (Expert RA rating agency) over the past 6 years. NRU "BelSU" took the 47th position, having risen from the 72nd place in 2015.
The University took the 21st place in the National Ranking of Universities of the INTERFAX group, taking the 16th-17th position in the category "Innovation and Entrepreneurship", the 20th place in the category" Internationalization "and the 29th place in the category" Research " among Russian universities. In addition, in the additional ratings of the INTERFAX agency, NRU "BelSU" took the 5th place in the category " Socialization. DPO", the 16th place in the category " Social Entrepreneurship. Yurkliniki" and the 10th place in the category " Tests (Clinical, Pre-clinical, InSilico)".

In the international rating of higher education institutions SCimago Institutions Rankings Global Higher Education, NRU "BelSU" took 768th place in the world and 34th place in the Russian Federation.

In the world webometric university ranking Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, NRU "BelSU" took the 1844th place among universities and scientific organizations of the world and the 22nd place among universities of the Russian Federation.


In the subject rating of scientific productivity of Russian universities "University Rating" of the analytical center "EXPERT" (AC" Expert"), NRU "BelSU" took the 13th-14th place in the category "Materials Science", in the rating in the section "Metallurgy" – 4th-5th place, 11-13 in the category "Engineering Sciences", 19-21 place in the category "Humanities", 29th place in the category "Social Sciences" and 29th place in the section "Biochemistry" in the subject category "Life Sciences". In the Rating of inventive activity of Russian universities of the analytical center "EXPERT", NRU "BelSU" entered the group 23-26.


NRU "BelSU" entered the TOP 50 best universities in Russia according to Forbes magazine, taking the 38th line. The rating is based on data from monitoring the performance of more than 600 institutions of higher education, prepared by the Ministry of Education.


The preparatory faculty of the National Research University "BelSU" has been conducting educational activities since 1980. During this time, about 7 thousand students from 106 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America have been trained at the faculty. The faculty has a state status and is one of the basic faculties for foreign citizens of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


The preparatory faculty conducts pre-university training of foreign citizens for higher education programs (bachelor's degree, specialty, master's degree, postgraduate study) in the following areas of study:


- Humanities (subjects studied: Russian language, literature, history, social studies);

- Medical and biological (subjects studied: Russian, physics, chemistry, biology);

- Natural science (subjects studied: Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry);

- Engineering and technical (subjects studied: Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science);

- Economic (subjects studied: Russian language, mathematics, social studies, history).


Training of foreign citizens in additional general education programs is carried out during the 1.5 or 1 academic year, or 6 months. Students studying for 1.5 years arrive in March. Students studying for 1 year arrive at the faculty from September to December. Students studying in English programs arrive in February. As you arrive, training groups are formed. Each study group includes no more than 8-10 students, which provides optimal language training for continuing their studies at the institutes and faculties of the National Research University "BelSU", as well as at other universities in Belgorod and, in general, the Russian Federation. The preparatory faculty has thematic classrooms for classes in biology, chemistry, physics, history and literature.


At the preparatory faculty, classes are conducted by teachers of the Department of Russian Language, Professional Speech and Intercultural Communication of IMKiMO.


Excellent social and living conditions have been created for foreign students studying at the faculty. They live in a comfortable and equipped student hostel according to the most modern standards, which is located near the academic building. They are provided with gyms, sports grounds of the educational and sports complex of Svetlana Khorkina and "Burevestnik", as well as a new educational and leisure space for foreign students – the International Intellectual Club of students "MIX"