EPER    *Foreign students and specialists in Russia

A preparatory department has been created specifically for the pre-university training of foreign applicants in the Russian language and in general education disciplines. The preparatory department is an integral part of the educational process of a foreign student.


The methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, which is widely used in universities in Russia and abroad for teaching foreign students, was created at the preparatory faculty.


Usually, training at the preparatory faculty is conducted in groups of 8-10 people in Russian language classes and 16-20 people in other specialized subjects.


Terms of study: 1 academic year = 2 semesters, and 1.5 years = 3 semesters, respectively.


For one year you will study the Russian language to the extent that will allow you to use the Russian language in everyday life and for educational purposes, so that in the future you will study at the main faculties of the University together with native speakers.


Upon completion of their studies, students of the Russian language and specialized disciplines can continue their studies at the main faculties.


The cost of studying at the Preparatory Department at Universities in different cities can differ almost twice. You have the opportunity to choose a Preparatory department in one city, and then move to another city for basic training at the University.


We will help you choose a training program with the optimal cost and corresponding to your request.



Preparatory department