EPER    *Foreign students and specialists in Russia


RUDN received the maximum "5 stars" of the QS Stars international rating: the highest scores on six out of eight indicators, a breakthrough in the direction of "Employment", significant growth in the categories "Educational programs" and "Academic Development".


RUDN is the" greenest " university in Russia. Among the world universities, RUDN occupies the 42nd position.


RUDN is ranked 317th in the world ranking of the best universities.


 In 1960, the RUDN was created as the Peoples ' Friendship University – an educational institution where mainly foreign students were to study. This created the ground for the mutual integration of different cultures and political systems. This ideology assumed close attention to the study of foreign languages – therefore, all university students have the opportunity to receive, in addition to a diploma in their main specialty, also a translator's diploma in one or more of the 12 foreign languages. There are double degree programs here.


A multi-level system of higher education: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate (PhD-programs), residency.


Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary: natural, technical, medical, social, economic, agricultural, humanitarian areas of training.



RUDN is the leader among Russian Universities in master's degree programs in foreign languages.


RUDN, in parallel with the Russian scale of assessments, uses the system of accumulation of points or credits (ECTS) adopted in Europe, which gives students the opportunity to enroll or transfer to the next stage of study in European educational institutions.


RUDN has agreements with more than 250 foreign universities, implements 176 joint educational programs with leading foreign universities and more than 50 programs of so-called inclusive education, thanks to which students have the opportunity to get to leading foreign universities as part of an academic exchange.


Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia