EPER    *Foreign students and specialists in Russia

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University


Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. The University has the status of a regional reference university of Russia, is a reference university of PJSC GAZPROM, PJSC Sibur Holding, a strategic partner of PJSC NK Rosneft. In 2020, the university won the competition and became a member of the" League of Universities "of Gazprom Neft PJSC.


The University was founded in October 1948 on the basis of a branch of the Gubkin Moscow Petroleum Institute.
In 2016, after the Ufa State University of Economics and Service joined USNTU, the university received the status of a reference university of Russia, and then-a reference university of Gazprom PJSC.


Over the years, USNTU has trained more than 115,000 highly qualified specialists for all branches of the fuel and energy, oil and gas production and construction complex of Russia. The university has been successfully integrated into the system of international higher education and has been a full member of the International Association of Universities (UIA) since 1996. Representatives of 70 subjects of the Russian Federation and citizens of 52 countries of the near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Cuba, Vietnam, China, Tajikistan, etc.) are trained at the university. These are students of Russian language courses, students (engineers, bachelors, undergraduates), postgraduates and doctoral students.


Currently, more than 1,300 foreign students are studying at Ufa Oil University. The university is actively working on the development of international activities, expanding the scope of international cooperation in the field of scientific and technical developments, actively exchanging students and teachers within the framework of the academic mobility program, as well as implementing a wide range of professional training and retraining programs for foreign specialists.

The system of employment of graduates has developed and is successfully functioning at USNTU. Direct contracts and agreements on cooperation in the field of educational services and scientific research have been signed with foreign universities, research centers and oil companies. In general, the demand for young specialists of USPTU exceeds the supply, contracts are regularly concluded providing for targeted training and retraining of specialists with the largest enterprises and organizations of the fuel and energy sector, such as LUKOIL, Tatneft, Gazpromneft, Sibur, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, etc. Special attention is paid to the programs implemented jointly with the state-owned companies Rosneft, Gazprom, and Transneft.


The University offers students, teachers and staff a cultural and household complex, a sports and recreation camp, a sports complex with the most modern equipment and equipment, canteens. Students have the opportunity to engage in creativity and develop their talents. The high level of dance and theater groups of the university is regularly confirmed by prizes in republican and Russian competitions.


Thus, Ufa Oil University is a strong, well-equipped and adapted to modern conditions university that provides training for specialists of a wide range of knowledge.


International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of USPTU, where the priority role is played by the provision of educational services to foreign citizens (the program of preparation for admission to the university (Russian), bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies, internships, doctoral studies, retraining of engineering personnel).