EPER    *Foreign students and specialists in Russia

Russian universities offer a variety of study options. You can choose any level of higher education and study under bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate, residency programs and others...


You can also choose full-time education, Full-time or part-time education, and sometimes even Distance learning.

Study in Russia


Full-time education

Full-time training takes place during the day. All classes are held directly in the classrooms and workshops of the university. Such a learning process involves personal contact between teachers and students during lectures and practical work, provides an opportunity to discuss, ask questions, receive help and advice, and gradually monitor the preparation. Full-time education is a daily, full involvement in the educational process, which does not allow combining it with other activities, for example, with work.

Full-time and part-time education
The full-time and part-time form has a much lower cost compared to the full-time form. Lectures are held on weekdays in the evening and on weekends. Most of the time, students independently study materials on subjects. The percentage of independent work of students and classes at the university is 50-50 or 60-40. In the full-time and part-time form of study, there is also a personal contact between teachers and students during lectures and practical classes. This is a comfortable form of education for those students who want to combine study with work.


Correspondence form of education

The correspondence form of education has an even lower cost compared to other forms of education. As a percentage, part-time students spend time at the university and go on an independent study of materials on subjects about 30 to 70. They perform work in accordance with the educational plan developed by the university. The time when students pass exams and tests is called a session. At this time, students come to the university. The interval between sessions is usually 4-5 months. At this time, students go home and study the program on their own.


The correspondence form of study is convenient for those who live or work far from the university, in other cities. Or for those who do not have the opportunity to devote a full day to training due to any circumstances. And also for those who want to get an education, but want to spend minimal amounts on training.


But with this form of training, there are restrictions - some specialties, for example, medical, do not involve correspondence forms of training.

Bachelor course

This is a completed higher education, confirmed by a bachelor's degree. Training according to a special training method lasts 4 years and gives a standard of knowledge of a specialist. At the end of the course, students defend their theses. Bachelors have a full set of knowledge and skills necessary to immediately start working professionally in their specialty. Holders of an education equivalent to the Russian secondary general or secondary vocational education have the right to enroll in bachelor's degree programs.




Specialty programs direct students to practical work in the industry in the chosen direction. The training lasts at least 5 years. According to the results of passing the exams and defending the thesis, students receive specialist diplomas indicating the assigned qualifications, for example: Economist, Teacher, Manager ... Holders of an education equivalent to the Russian secondary general or secondary vocational education have the right to enter these programs. Graduates of the specialty have the right to continue their education in a master's or postgraduate program, and can also start a professional career.

Master's degree Program
This program gives you the opportunity to dive more deeply into the specialization in the chosen direction. The Master's degree program lasts at least 2 years and is aimed at preparing students for research activities. At the end of the course, graduates defend their dissertation and receive a master's degree. They are awarded the Master's degree. Bachelors and specialists have the right to enroll in master's degree programs. Graduates of the master's program can continue their education in graduate school, as well as start a professional career.


Training of highly qualified personnel:


Postgraduate study

This is a form of training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. Graduates of a master's degree or a specialty have the right to enroll in postgraduate studies. Postgraduate studies last 3-4 years, depending on the form of study. Postgraduate study includes the educational part, pedagogical activity, research work. Graduate students choose a scientific direction and a research topic for their dissertation. At the end of the course, a postgraduate diploma is issued with the assignment of the qualification: Researcher, Teacher-researcher and the degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded – the first degree officially confirming the status of a scientist. Candidates of sciences are allowed to apply for the degree of Doctor of Sciences – this is the second degree confirming the status of a scientist.



The adjunct program is an analog of postgraduate studies in educational institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Russia.


Residency program
Residency training is designed for 2 years and is a combination of in-depth study of medical sciences with practice in medical institutions. At the end of the course, a three-stage qualification exam is passed and graduates receive a diploma of completion of the residency. They are awarded the qualification of a specialist, which gives them the right to enter medical institutions.


Holders of higher medical or pharmaceutical education have the right to enter the residency.




This is a special form of training of highly qualified workers in the field of arts. The duration of training in this course is usually no more than 2 years and represents the implementation of an individual curriculum under the supervision of the supervisor and the head of the department of the educational institution. A graduation work is a performance, a film, a screening, a concert, an exhibition. It depends on the specialization.

Graduates of a specialist or master's degree in this field have the right to study under the internship-internship programs. At the end of the internship, a diploma is issued.



Second higher education
Foreigners who have graduated from a university outside the Russian Federation can also get a second higher education at Moscow universities. This can be done in the format of a bachelor's degree - up to 4 years of study, a specialist-up to 6 years of study or a master's degree-at least 2 years of study. The competitive selection takes place on the basis of entrance exams. At the end of the course, a diploma of qualification is issued.



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